Dear Gideon,

We would like to formally record our thanks to you and your team for all of your effort and great work in helping us to transform our house. We would also like to thank you very much for being able to bring so many different workers together and for co-ordinating their activities. There is no way that we could have achieved so much in such a short time without the extra time and effort you put in. Not only did you plan and install the kitchen but you were also able to bring decorators, plumbers, electricians, flooring, builders and even double-glazing.

To mention the kitchen first of all. We looked at a number of kitchen installation companies in the area. All of them were willing to provide us with “designer’ units and expensive granite. Apart from you no one else was willing to bring together the range of skills necessary to actually complete a kitchen installation. As we learned, getting a new kitchen involves so much more than just worktops and units. Your design process helped us to understand what we wanted and your ideas for re-shaping the kitchen have transformed the house and maximised the use of the space we have.”The quality of work of your installation team (Mark and Jess) has been excellent and the whole installation process very smooth. It is also worth mentioning that you designed and fitted a study for us. Again, your individually tailored approach has helped us achieve a modern and less formal design in the study compared to the more traditional study ideas of other companies. “As mentioned above you also brought in many other workers to assist not only with the kitchen but also with decorating the whole house; carpets and flooring throughout; opening and closing doorways to re-shape the kitchen and the lounge/diner; new and replacement radiators; and double glazing. We would appreciate if you could pass on our thanks to Steve and team (builder, plumbing, electrician and doors/carpentry); Michael (painter); Richard and team (double-glazing) and Chaz and team (flooring).

We are extremely happy with what we have been able to achieve with your help. We are very happy to recommend Orchard Kitchens to anyone considering a new kitchen and related home improvements.

In summary we bought a house and you helped us to move into a home.

Bob & Izaskun – Sunningdale 2011